Is your child overstepping their Internet privileges? Using more than their share of a shared data plan? Staying up too late browsing? This app (patent pending) allows you to disconnect their wifi devices from the web, monitor and control how much data they use, set limits by time, and, here's the fun part... Break through to their screen with your video message or a simple text, replacing whatever is on their screen, at any time! Features:
- The app is installed on multiple devices, one device is set as the “parent” device, and the others as “child” devices - Parent may disable the wifi of any other device at any time! - Unlimited number of children’s devices may be added and controlled individually - Parent can send a video message to a child’s device which will automatically appear (“Time for dinner, Billy!”) - Parent can also send a text message that will open automatically on the child’s device! - The total cellular data usage can be set, and the parent gets notified if they have used their share of data - The parent can set a timer for use (for example, 1 hour) - The parent can also set a time period for use (7:00pm-8:00pm for example). The wifi automatically gets shut off when the time is completed!